New artist Justin Chander recently released his debut single ‘The Outside’. The Torontonian Nepali artist has been writing music for quite sometime but has waited until now to officially strap on the gloves and jump into the music ring. With a big heart, passion and drive, we’re excited to be able to introduce this compelling new artist to you. So let’s get right to it and get to know…Justin Chander.

What first got you into music?
Good question. I’m not sure to start when I am responding to this question. I remember remixing some songs in 9th grade and 10th grade and I was obsessed it. Music has always been an important part of my life since I was young. Hence, I will say something on it here and there.


Are you from a musical or artistic family?
Yes. My Mom was a local celebrity in a small town in India and played in many Church bands growing up in North America. My little Sister is also a singer-songwriter. She has a couple songs that are on Official release platforms and many songs released outside of that, since she was sixteen.


Who are the artists that inspired you to make music?
M.I.A., Paramore, Lorde and 2NE1 and more recently, Halsey and Juice WRLD.


How would you describe the music that you typically create?
Alternative pop, although I pride myself in being a multifaceted artist putting out songs in many genres.


How would you describe your creative process and how you approach?
I have a number of processes. Writing is my favourite part of the creative process. I guess where I am at in my life, it is like therapy. I would write to beats sometimes I found from YouTube. Otherwise, I would write more acoustically.

I come from a poetry background and am a published author with my own book, so I have a strength in the lyrics. I come up with a concept. I have co-written all the songs I have written recently. I have a melody idea as well. Another co-writer and I will ground the song-in-the-works in chords and after conversating about the song, we will complete it. Or I may start writing before we meet (often I have the vision in my head before going into a songwriting session) or I will like to begin writing in the moment when I am with the other songwriter.


Your debut single is “The Outside”. Is this the first song you wrote and is it completely self penned? Or did you work with other writers on it?
No. The first song I wrote was when I was 12 called “Dance, Dance” lol. I have about 300 songs in my vault. I am releasing them when I feel they come together in general tell a story. I co-wrote this song with singer-songwriter Prithvi Prajosh.


“The Outside” is a very personal song. What’s the story behind it and how did it come about?
I actually began writing the song about a panic attack I had in class. I remember my classmates talking about a party they went to and like the sounds in the song, “the kids laughing,” I went to a sound bank and found them and sent them to the producer because that showed how I felt when I was just living my life and my classmates were talking about how awesome it was during their free time. I started writing the song in my mind and then physically writing it a few moments following that at the end of last year.


What made “The Outside” the right choice to be your debut song?
I felt like this is a good beginning to my artistry. This clearly states I know who I am. I am excited to bring out more of who I am through my music and connect with people all over the world.


What has been the response so far to the song?
I am so pleased with the response. The numbers make me happy and they have reached where I would like them to at this juncture. Every single stream means something to me. I am so grateful for them.

We’re seeing a lot of “rapid fire” releases from artists these days. Will you be following up “The Outside” quickly with more new releases or do you plan to take a longer approach to releases?
Yes, I was just in the Studio recording my second single, “Superglue.” It is an EDM song I wrote in March-April about relationships ending. Then I will starting releasing Singles from my Debut Mixtape and following that, my Debut Mixtape.


What does the next year look like for you in terms of music?
I am so fucking excited. I have dropped my first Single. I have so much music at different stages in the process of development. I have completed more songs this year more than any other year. I am going to release my Debut Mixtape. I wrote it about finding love and figuring who you are during the pandemic. I am so excited about putting it out. I have also been penning tracks for my follow-up work to it, the next story to tell. So my artistry feels very much in motion.


Where are the kinds of venues you have performed in?
A ton of open mics, here in our amazing Toronto, New York City, Austin, Texas and Vancouver (so far) small and big, lots of people, a few people, both acoustically and instrumentally driven


What are your favourite and least favourite types of venues?
I really like crowded, hyped venues, though I can cater which of my songs I’m performing to the audience I’m performing for. 

What is your favourite song to perform and why?
Haven’t had a chance to perform a lot of my songs (since I just Officially released my first) and just covers, out of the ones I have performed so far, “The Outside,” but it is changing to “Superglue;” depending on the place I’m in, some people like “The Outside” more and some people like “Superglue” more.


Have you played any Pride festivals? What was the experience like??
Yes, I sung and rapped in Korean at the Queer Asian Pride Stage in 2016 singing 2NE1 songs as a tribute to them, since they are one of my influences. As a Nepali person, K-pop has been one of my influences growing up because I saw myself in it. The performance was incredible. It made me coming back for more to be able to do these kind of things again. It definitely was another formative experience in music of mine. It made me understand I need to do this. I would like to play more Pride Festivals in the future. I look forward to meeting new people.


Do you follow a process or ritual before a performance to get rid of nerves or performance anxiety?
I don’t think so. I’m just like I got to do this. And I head out to go do it.


Describe your worst performance. What did you learn from this experience?
Oh wow… I think I didn’t hold the mic properly and I’m upleveling at my projection skills. I don’t think the audience could hear me (well) but I had confidence and ran with it

Who would be your dream artists to collaborate with?
Juice WRLD, Griff, any of the 2NE1 members, Jimin from BTS


If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?


What do you get up to when you’re not making music?
I guess, exercising. Singing is exercising too though. I don’t have a lot of time outside of this.


What is one message you would give to your fans?
Be yourselves periodt.


What is your favorite thing about making music?
Being me.


What is your least favorite thing about making music?
It can take a while. And ironing out details; it’s important to be flexible.


What is it about music that makes you feel passionate?
It makes me feel like I can connect with others.


Which famous musicians do you admire?


What is the best advice you’ve been given?
As a new musician, follow a schedule. I still need to do this, but it is godly.


How do practice self care while dealing with the challenges of the music industry?
Remember how fucked up the system is and how the responsibility of how it is shouldn’t fall on your shoulders


What advice would you give to someone starting out in music?
You have to be bad to be good


If you could change anything about the industry, what would it be?
It’s so fucking White, we need more Black and Brown artists! #representationmatters


How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?
Decentralized music periodt.


Who is your celebrity crush?
Jay Park


Best TV Binge?
Yellow Jackets? I don’t really watch T.V. Just YouTube and TikTok with niche things.


If you could have any song from any artist be yours, what would it be?
Hard question… I can’t speak exactly to which song I wish was mine. But I will say one song I wish was mine was Demi Lovato and Noah Cyrus – Easy.


What is the most useless talent you have?


Do you sing in the shower? What songs?
Yeah, but not recently? Practice songs? Orianthi – According To You?


If you were stranded on an island and could only have one album with you, which one would it be and why?
That is the most fucking difficult question ever… I need like 100 years to think about it, but Imma list a few albums I think are amazing:

Halsey – Manic
Hayley Kiyoko – Expectations

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