Photos by Chad Bailey, Pynk Gorilla Entertainment

With a magnetic personality, smooth vocals and a deep respect and appreciation of classic R&B, Don+ is about to wow the world with his music talents. He’s an artist who knows who he is and where he’s headed, and from all accounts that direction is straight up! With a new song in hand and an EP on the way, we caught up with Don to talk about everything happening and on the way from this rising star!

Hey Don! Let’s start with the Don+ 101 basics. How long have you been involved in music and what got you started?
I officially started making music in 2015. At that point in my life, I was living in New Jersey, well into my teaching career, but was not happy. Music was the only thing I felt I could turn to. It was the only peace in a time where all other parts life was in turmoil. 

Of course, we also have to ask where does the “+” come from and Plus what?
It’s actually pretty simple. I feel like there is so much power in a name and I wanted to be sure that it encompassed all parts of who I am. Don is part of my middle name. The + just signifies that I’m not limited in any way. I don’t just do music. I’m an educator, I’m a business owner, a brother, son. Most importantly I’m a writer who is not bound by genre or form. I write poetry, songs, memoirs. The + is all the parts of who I am and that I’m excited to share that with the world. 

Your sound is a blend of R&B, Hip Hop and Pop. Where do you take inspiration from when writing and creating?
It’s so funny because I relate everything to words. I smell, hear, feel, see something and I just naturally go on this brain blast of description. A lot of my inspiration comes from my life and those around me. I love how similar yet unique our stories can be. We are a never-ending source of inspiration. Musically 80’s and 90’s has definitely been a source of inspiration…and don’t get me started on 2000’s pop!

When it comes to breaking down your sound, do you find yourself gravitating to one genre over another?
I have love and loyalty to R&B. It’s the core of who I am. 

Who were the musical influences for you that you grew up with?
This is where you see how much of a R&B guy I am. The first male vocalist I fell in love with was Tevin Campbell. He was my male Whitney. What gravitated me toward him was that he was a guy but the way he would approach a song was almost like a female. During the late 80’s early 90’s men were always flexing in their lower registers. But Tevin would be all over the place. I wanted to be him. But there are so many others. 

Your new song is ‘DonStar’. What is the song about and describe the vibe?
DONSTAR!!!!!! I love this song. It kind of has a double meaning. Its first about finding that person who is always in your corner. Who treats you like you are the most cherished thing in the world. And you doing the same in return. On the flip side it is a love letter to anyone who has supported me. I came late into the lgbtq music scene and I received a lot of love. I wanted to let folks know I appreciate it. 

How does ‘DonStar’ compare to your previous releases?
“Make A Move” was edgy, nostalgic, and introduced me in a way that really let people into what they could expect. It was a record to get people listening. DonStar is really giving a softer side of me. It also shows growth in my sound and abilities. 

It’s been a number of months since your last release. Is it safe to assume that you’ve been keeping busy creatively?
Busy is an understatement. My career as an educator definitely impacts things at times. However, I honestly take time on releases because I’m very particular about how things look and sound. I never want to just put something out for the sake of a deadline. The process and timing are really important. I’m also very analytical and data driven. So if I’m not creating or preparing for a release I’m looking at music data, trends, and such.  Its really a whole process. 

What things or practices get you into the right creative space?
The biggest thing is that I have to work with people that I can vibe and feel comfortable with. I need the space to fuck up in the studio or just to talk before we record. I like bonding experiences and that’s what music is supposed to create for people. And that starts with the environment

You launched an impressive virtual campaign during the pandemic for your previous single ‘Make A Move’. What did you learn from that process?
So many things. 1. It is so hard being an independent artist. The money and time you have to put in to make an impact is mind blowing at times but definitely worth it. 2. Trust your gut but take valuable advice from the people you value. 3. Its only about the music. Not about the clout, not about the social media likes. It’s just about the music. 

What parts of your release practices that you had to switch to or try out during the pandemic will you continue to use post pandemic? What new approaches really worked for you?
I think the biggest thing is changing my perspective on how I engage with people. The pandemic forced me to find ways to reach people. I love being around people because you get a first hand experience on who I am. Social media forces you to curate that for the masses based on what they like about you. Due to the pandemic that’s the only representation some folks have of who Don+ is . As much as I hate that idea ,I had to realize social media is a tool and value it as that.

You’re also slated to release your debut EP this coming summer. What can you tell us about it?
Omg!!! It’s such a good body of work. I feel like I’ve been working on it for years because some of the songs were done so long ago. But it’s definitely a reflection of my life these past 3 years. It tells stories and I think that is what is missing from music. It’s also not one note. You really get to know me as an artist and as a person. 

What’s been your favorite part of making this EP?
2 moments. The first is when you hear a beat and you automatically know what a song is going to be about. It’s like your pulled but to a time or scene in your life. The next is when you finish a song and you know it’s done. I swear I play it like 100 times times day and just smile. To have an idea in your head and to hear it come to life. Nothing better than being a creator 

Will more music video be incorporated in your upcoming releases?
OF COUSE!!! Shout out to Chad Bailey!! He directed the video for “Make A Move” which came out beautifully. There will be a video for DonStar. Chad and I actually shooting that in the next week or so. I don’t want give it away too much but just know there are a lot of video projects coming. 

During the past year, how have you kept yourself motivated?
Honestly I don’t know lol. I think I’m terrified of having a life where I’m just sitting and not progressing. I have so many ideas and things I want to do. I’m also scared of the idea of leaving this world and being forgotten. I want to make an impact. I think we all do. That’s what keeps pushing me. 

Being part of the LGBTQ community, what is your take on the challenges queer artists face in the music industry?
What challenges? People have always made things hard for our community and we always find a way around it. I believe we have created our own thing and it’s so beautiful. It’s because we have created our own music charts, sounds, tv shows, movies that the industry is not going to have a choice but to knock on our doors so they can be a part of OUR industry. We hold the cards right now. Now I’m not naive to the fact that we face descrimination and prejudice  as LGBTQ+ artist/ individuals. But we also have a lot of power right now and that’s what I like to shed light on. 

As an LGBTQ artist creating in both the Hip Hop and R&B worlds, how do you view the current level of acceptance and representation?
It’s getting better but lacking in some areas. I love the fluidity being expressed by the females like Khelani and Teyanna Taylor. We have to get to a point where that is possible for all artist. Of course, you have Lil Nas X who has established himself as a gay icon. I just want more diversity in the representation. There are so many artists who Deserve that level of exposure and don’t just because they aren’t the “right type of gay”. We aren’t a monolith. 

Will you be taking part in any Pride festivals this summer?
Those conversations are in the works. I want to make sure dates line up with my ep and singles.  I also want to make sure the show I at the level I want it to be. 

What else do you have planned for the rest of this year?
This question always gets me in trouble because I tell too much lol. But definitely have the ep dropping this summer. I already mentioned the DonStar video. I’m getting ready to head to ATL to lock down choreography for some live situations I have coming up. I’m also developing a couple of specials through my company Note 2 Note

Who would your dream collaborator be?
I want to write a song with Babyface for Normani….I would melt!! Best of old and new. 

Finally, you walk into a room, what song is playing that is your personal soundtrack?
Easiest question you’ve asked lol. DESTINY’S CHILD “LOOSE MY BREATH” ..get into it. lol

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