The New Canadian Music Frontier is Queer

Canada has long been a hub for diverse and innovative music, and its LGBTQ+ musicians continue to push boundaries, challenge norms, and captivate audiences with their unique voices and perspectives. In recent weeks, several talented queer Canadian artists have unveiled exciting new music that demands attention and celebration. Let’s take a closer look at some of these standout releases.

This Week’s New Releases from Canadian LGBTQ+ artists include:

Mo Kenney – Signs of Life

T. Thomason – Fantasy

Sinzere – Highs and Lows

SIESKI – Gumdrops

Dustin Nelson – Bulletproof

Devon Cole – Good Guy

Priyanka feat. Lemon – GUCCIYANKA

J4DE – Radio Silence

Sebastian Gaskin – Cherie Amour

Madame Psychosis – Foxtail

Dust Cwaine – Brooklyn

Andrew Casara – Sexy Funk

memyself&vi – Auto Pilot

Tea Fannie – Rap Again

Hear the Stories and Music of LGBTQ Artists on the Out Loud Podcast

Hear More New LGBTQ New Releases